Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The list

Now that the big adrenalin rush of "Birth 1" (as I've been calling it, i.e. general exam) is over, I now am faced with the unusual prospect of f.r.e.e.t.i.m.e. before "Birth 2" (small human). That is until bedrest is ordered.

I had made several appointments (dentist, car stuff, etc) for this week thinking bedrest was imminent, but may not be. So, what's a girl to do?! I haven't had this kind of time-off since right before I went back to school in 2005. In essence, now is the time to do all that organizing and throwing out of stuff that we basically shoved into closets when we first moved in. And hopefully get rid of a lot of stuff.

- clean desk/office (why is this always at the top of the list?) (basically done)
- new phone (done)
- finish baby room (almost done)
- organize hall closet (done)
- organize upstairs hall closet (done)
- organize downstairs bathroom closet (done)
- take books to bookseller (done)
- organize pantry shelves
- clean out trunk (done)
- organize kitchen cupboards
- organize office closet
- organize journal article stash (ugh...don't even know where to begin on this as it'll require new file cabinet. Best leave this at the end of the list.)