Sunday, August 20, 2006

"Exceptionally fine"

This was our wave's key word during Sally Edwards' starting line pep talk. Apparently they'd run out of adjectives for the 30 previous waves...things like "fantastic" and "bodacious." Nope, our wave was "exceptionally fine."

Actually, I think this phrase captures the triathlon experience. It was really a lot of fun with no real "what the hell am I doing!" moments. I think I was too numb (especially my left foot during the last two miles) to have an opinion about the less-fine parts. All in all, great fun and a big rush.

Fully exhausted, and probably less than lucid, I'm trying to pack for our trip to DC. This is a challenge for two tired people. I caught Ray mumbling, "I wonder if I'll need any pants?" Hmmm, what kind of conference are you attending?

1 comment:

dee said...

congrats on finishing the triathlon! have a good trip to d.c.