Saturday, February 14, 2009

What I've learned today

1. I love gifts of jewelry.

2. I like grading papers, but wish I could stop time to do it. Took me 3 hours for 10 papers. I have 25 to go.

3. I am humbled and impressed by the students. Reading these papers reminds me again of how, on one hand, our "native" culture produces so many coddled, spoiled and lazy kids. On the other hand, some of these students are here on their own from other countries, raising younger siblings while trying to stick to their parents' high expectations, or contributing to their families' finances, or raising children with disabilities while going to school full-time. It makes me wonder what we'll teach August about responsibility and being a contributing part of a family. Glad we have a little time to figure this out.


Sheila said...

Jewelry, eh? Note to self...

becca said...

Gifts of jewelry that have been pre-selected/approved that is.

I know, I know...