Friday, March 23, 2007

More interesting (?) than my desk

I found some notes I took while interviewing my mom about her childhood and parents, who died before I was born.

My grandparents were both teachers in rural Nebraska. During the Depression, Grandpa left teaching high school science to farm full-time, something he didn't care for too much, but keeping the family afloat required it. He was a slight, scholarly man, preferring study to labor on the farm. New farming techniques did interest him however. He was very methodical, like riddles, puns and jokes, but inclined to be more serious. My mom and her siblings used to say, "Tell us a story, Daddy, about when you were little..." while he milked the cow.

My grandmother, also a teacher, was quick-minded, impatient, sometimes frustrated, and spoke more sharply. She and Grandpa were quite compatable and liked to talk about similar things, especially current events. My mom believes she used to sew the doctor's wife's clothes as they couldn't afford to pay the doctor during the leanest years. She also cared for their ailing parents, who lived with the family in their final years. Later, my Grandma substitute taught when the kids were in high school.

They weren't a particularly social couple, other than family gatherings and church on Sundays. The farm kept them too busy. They did, however, make a point of taking the kids to concerts, to show them there was a bigger world out there.

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